***IMPORTANT UPDATE*** The Intergroup Office is currently NOT operating at normal office hours. More info HERE
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Upcoming Events:

Bookmark our Events Calendar for a list of all upcoming AA-related Group Anniversary Celebrations, Intergroup activities, and local and national A.A. conferences and workshops.

Winner’s Circle Newsletter

Published by Richmond Intergroup, the Winner’s Circle is a monthly newsletter for members of Alcoholics Anonymous in the Greater Richmond area. It contains facts about recovery and is a forum for A.A. members to share their experience, strength, and hope about their recovery from alcoholism.

Opportunities to Volunteer

If you are interested in learning more about volunteering and the work that we do, please join us at our monthly Intergroup meeting. This business meeting (not a recovery meeting) takes place on the first Tuesday of each month at 7:30 PM. You can join us virtually/hybrid (Zoom ID is 948 853 4457 and password is Inter2020 – Camera ON requested), or in person at this address.

St Thomas Episcopal Church
3602 Hawthorne Avenue Richmond VA 23222

There are many ways you can carry the message from helping to answer our recovery hotline after hours, to taking meetings to treatment centers and correctional facilities, to providing rides. Click on the opportunities below to learn how you can help carry the message to a suffering alcoholic.

Correctional Facility Meetings

Treatment Facilities Committee

Public Information and Cooperation with the Professional Community

Phone Watch / 12th Step Call List

Volunteer at the Central Office

Richmond Intergroup Bylaws

Richmond Intergroup is governed by a set of bylaws that are open and available for anyone to review. Please click on the links below for our latest documents.

Richmond Intergroup Bookstore

To order, please come visit us during regular business hours. No mail or online orders. Payments can be made with cash, check, or credit/debit card with 5% transaction fee.